Saturday, July 19, 2008

New looks

As you can probably tell, things are starting to look a little different around here. I am in the process (the long one) of overhauling everything that was once Echoing Life Photography and morphing it into what will become Jessica Mooney Photography. Although I fought changing the name at first, I eventually realized it's actually better for my business to do so. I still wholeheartedly believe in the heart behind Echoing Life (and you can read about that here), but it's time for a change.

There will be lots of other changes to look for in the coming months that I am VERY excited about! New website, new proofing company, new name! :-) Stick around to see what's coming!

I'll be blogging my trip to Panama in the next week, but I'll leave you with a sneak peak. really is that beautiful, I promise!


Ashley said...

Hey, I love the new look! :) I hope things are going well for ya. We need to get together soon and catch up!


katibeth said...

wow our amazing god he can create amazing bueties like these!!!!!
love you jmooney!!