Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Meet Hannah! She is fantastic! I've known Hannah for a few years, but just recently got to know her well this summer. I can tell you that she is one amazing gal and I just love her! She's a wonderful friend, indeed. I was so priviledged to be able to take her Senior pictures! Oh, and she's gorgeous too! Here are some of my favorite ones!


Ashley said...

Hey Jess! Love the new pictures. It looks like you're continuing to learn so much.

I hope everything is going well. I know you're leaving soon. I'm really excited for you!

By the way, I tagged you on my blog. Go to see what you need to do. Love you!

reneamac said...

Holy crap you take amazing pictures! Alright. This is what I want you to do: Come back to Switzerland with me as my personal photographer. OK?

Much love to you, sister.