Living in the hills of Asia means you have terraces out your back door. This family knows terraces like the Cleavers knew picket fences. I just said my goodbyes to this family last week as I moved back to America. I'm lad I'll have these pictures of them to remember them by!
I've been working on some story boards lately...and I like 'em!
One of my favorites...ever!
This is so them: Spencer is stronger than everything else in this world...look at those muscles! Another family to come realllllllllly soon!
Before leaving this side of the world, I decided to do some family pictures for the families I'm helping. Now this family is c-u-t-e! It's been really fun watching them grow these past few months, and it was even more fun getting their cute faces in front of my camera! They will be having a little brother late summer! Okay, let's just get onto the pics of them!
These are some of the most well read children I've ever known. I'm so impressed with their thirst for knowledge (and their mom's great teaching!)
Living in the mountains makes play time for these kiddos a real talent. One of their favorite spots to play is in the back of the family truck!
I'm just a college girl in the Dallas area trying to live this life the best that I can. With me, I have two things: my messy heart that only Christ has made clean; and my camera, which takes me lots of places and holds lots of great memories...and could hold a picture of you! If you'd like, you can contact me at:
972-935-3813 or e-mail me at
ilikeliberia at yahoo dot com :-)