I recently traveled to Hong Kong. I liked this city a lot and was SO impresed with how clean it was and how Ameri-Euro-Asian it seemed. It was also weird to speak English to Asian faces and hear it spoken back to me. It certainly made ordering food at restaurants easier.
Here are a few shots from my journey!
These are some shots of the subway station walls. I was so impressed with their artistic touch!
Making room for even more buildings. I went to the highest point in HK to get an aerial view of the city. On the "Peak Tram," I found lots of tourist-y looking people. Being one myself, I had to get a shot of them all doing the same! Okay, maybe our subjects were a little different....
ORGANIZATION! wow...it's been awhile since my eyes have seen.
This is big. I am officially addicted to processing in raw now! Thanks to a new friend navigating me through it briefly, I now realize that's it's not as scary as it used to seem. I still feel I have a ton to learn about it and how to re-do my workflow, but I'm more encouraged by Mr. Raw's results! I'm thinking Mr. Raw is going to be my friend and make my life a lot easier when it comes to photo time! Here's a B&A. I love B&As. This is the image, shot in raw.
I'm just a college girl in the Dallas area trying to live this life the best that I can. With me, I have two things: my messy heart that only Christ has made clean; and my camera, which takes me lots of places and holds lots of great memories...and could hold a picture of you! If you'd like, you can contact me at:
972-935-3813 or e-mail me at
ilikeliberia at yahoo dot com :-)